How to get appointments with prospective clients quicker and easier

You know how it goes. You met at a networking event, or through a mutual contact. There is potential.

Now you need to find the time for a more official meeting to start talking business. So you email this person and ask when is good for them.

No reply.

You leave it a few weeks, and then followup with that "Just checking you got that email" email.

Still nothing.

There are many reasons why this can happen. These range from lack of interest, through to (genuinely) not getting that email.

The lack of interest reason is one for another post, another time.

Let's focus today on how to increase your chances of getting that appointment.

Who are you again?

First thing's first - recap. Let's assume you are the one requesting the meeting. (You usually will be - check this post out for more about why). Remind them about your last conversation, and that you both wanted to talk.

They are busy, and (maybe) important. You might be as well, but probably only in your world. Help them out and bring the good stuff from your initial chat back to the top of their mind.

Make it easy for them

Second - give them two options. Asking when works for them is polite, but it does two things.

The first is that they now have to work out when is good for them. This involves checking calendars and so on, and is very easy to put on the 'Do It Later' list.

Second, they may come back with a time that doesn't work for you. Then you have to either move a prior arrangement (not cool) or come back and ask for another time (also not cool).

So send them two options, both of which you can do. Ask them which is most convenient. (Don't double book yourself and give two people the same options. I've done it. It's awkward.)

And that's it.

P.S. This email is the best I've ever seen for the followup - but it isn't mine. Click here now, go to number 3 on the list, and thank me later.


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